
10 things you probably didn´t know about me

1. I can´t sleep without a blanket. Not.ever.
Not even when it´s 30°C outside. I still need a sheet or something that I can roll myself up in like a burrito.

2. I love music. I played the trumpet for 10 years, then started singing in my church´s band. Music was my main subject in school and when it comes to classical music I absolutely adore Bach, he´s my favorite classical composer, hands down.

3. I wanna seem like I have it all together but I really sometimes don´t. Especially with my photography I have to constantly remind myself that it´s a learning curve and that I am getting there!

4. I don´t think I have ever said no to a piece of chocolate, a chocolate muffin or a chocolate cake. If so, I must have been sick. I love, love, LOVE chocolate in all it´s forms. And Nutella... Hmmm....

5. I hate beer. There, I said it. That probably makes me a very bad German. But to me it tastes like - I wanna say vomit but that may be too harsh. It´s true though.

6. My kids make me laugh. They say the funniest things. Like when Josiah told us that his friend had pushed him until he fell on his bum. My husband replied that that wasn´t nice and Josiah says: "Yes, maybe he was stressed!?"
Or when I said to Noa" Mama is a woman, Daddy is a man, Josiah is a boy and Noa is ..." and she goes "A PRINCESS!" My heart want´s to melt!

7. I have a very weird humor that only certain people understand (sometimes not even my husband).

8. They took my appendix out when I was 4 years old.

9. Until I was 13 I had straight hair. Then it kind of exploded and I looked like a white african with a big afro (no joke!). After two pregancies the afro is gone again and I´m left with some fuzzy-frizzy-not-curls-not-straight-hair-hairstyle. I should actually show you pictures. When I find them I will.

10. This post was originally called "20 things you probably didn´t know about me". I don´t know why I wrote such a high number. There might be a "Part two" some time. :p

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