

It is 2014, people. I can hardly believe that. It seems like the older I get, the faster the months and years just run by and I feel like I am supposed to keep running to keep up with time.

It seems like only a couple of weeks ago that it was march 2013 and I was looking forward to what summer and the rest of the year would have in store for me and then it came and went and now we already started a new year.
I have not made any new years resolutions as I really don´t like them. When I was younger I would have these big things I wanted to change in that year to come only to be disappointed by myself only a couple of weeks later.
It sort of felt like after messing up my New Years resolution the new year could only go downhill from there.
Believing that your New Years resolutions will change everything makes for incredible discouragement, because you have these big expectations and then you may find yourself failing.
At least that´s how it used to be for me.

Today I firmly believe that you get a fresh start not only on the 1st of January.
I believe that you get a fresh start every morning and can make resolutions for the day EVERY MORNING.
This means that you can choose to be better and do things differently every morning and you will be able to see things change that very same day. Not in the near or not so near future. You make the resolution for the day. And then maybe a different one for the next day or maybe the same. Doesn´t matter. But you can choose to live differently every day.
For me that works much better, to live life in little steps and not pay too much attention to that BIG step at the beginning of the year. Because truly, the 1st of January is just another day of the week, the only thing that´s different is that you write 2014 now instead of 2013.

Have you made and New Years resolutions for this year? How does it work for you and what are they?

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