A couple of months ago my husband asked me who my best friend is. (Apart from him, obviously.)
I thought about it for a while but I couldn´t say. I thought about it for days, then weeks and realized that I couldn´t even tell what my definition of friendship looked like.
I mean of course we all have friends that we like, that we feel comfortable with and that we wanna be with because they enrich our lives and sometimes because they are a bit like the person we wanna become. I have many of those friends and I treasure them dearly and don´t wanna miss any of them in my life.
But what distinguishes your good friends from your BEST friend? Is your best friend the one that knows the most about you? Or is it the one friend that you´re spending most time with? Or is your best friend the friend you share a hobby with?
None of these characteristics of friendship lead me to any conclusion about my BEST friend.
Until I knew.
For me, my best friend must ALWAYS have an open ear. I need to have the feeling that my thoughts, feelings and problems count. That my friend wants to listen and that I could call WHENEVER and he/she would be there. And vice versa. That there is a connection of hearts.
Now from a spiritual perspective that to me is Jesus, no question.
But here, in this world, my best friend is my Mom. As much as we´ve argued and as many tears as she probably shed when I was a teenager going through all of THIS she has always been there for me. Even in the darkest of times I knew I could ALWYAYS call her and always count on her.
I talk to her when I have exciting news, and also when I doubt myself or feel down.
I appreciate everything she has done in my life and I am deeply thankful for who she is.
I think it´s safe to say that without her I wouldn´t be where I am today, because she invested in me from when I was a little girl and she always believed in me! <3
Danke, Mama!
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